Collection Services
Residential and private sorted collection service
Thanks to the time strengthened experience, Trevisan S.p.A. is able to carry out the residential collection for any kind of company or plant on the whole national area.
The collection activities may be managed directly or through accurately selected partners (depending on collection requirements), which own all the necessary authorizations for the outsourced services execution.
Supplying a complete service to our customers means going beyond the standard: for this reason Trevisan S.p.A. is continuously renewing its equipment and cars. Among the available solutions, Trevisan S.p.A. offers the “self-compacting vehicle”, offering an alternative to the traditional static equipment.
The use of this vehicle permits a prompt and focused collection of all those recyclable materials, which due to various causes cannot be stored in containers or compacting vehicles and are therefore managed in smaller containers, such as, for instance, the “roll-container”.
Collection Services
Commercial waste collection and intermediating service
Trevisan S.p.A. is registered in category no. 8 in the Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali and offers to its customers an intermediating service for any type of waste.
In this specific activity, Trevisan S.p.A. finds a suitable destination for commercial waste, seeking the most suitable and economically convenient solutions on the market, in compliance with the existing environmental regulation.
Trevisan S.p.A. thanks to its know how, knowledge and professionality responds to the different customers’ needs. An accurate selection of our suppliers on the whole national area, as well as the customer support for the follow-up of all the procedures required by the existing regulation, make Trevisan S.p.A. the ideal partner for the solution to the “waste issue” under every aspect.
Collection Services
Paper shredding service
The company owns a mobile system for shredding all those materials, which have to be destroyed (such as big reels or other types of voluminous waste).