Global customized service
Research and development
Study and planning of collection and disposal services.
Maximum exploitation of every recoverable fraction.
Commercial offer and solutions
Economical offer based on the excellence of the service, which may be managed directly or through qualified partners, responding to specific system and logistic needs.
Creation and management of internal recycling area, especially based on the specific needs.
Lab tests, controlling and monitoring of every recover and disposal flow.
Loading and Unloading registers management for third parties.
Where we operate
We may offer a customized and tailored fit service on a national scale, handling each type of waste. Our service is carried out in a centralized way, in order to coordinate the logistic activities (pick up request, planning, service execution, monthly overview and statistics, etc.) becoming a unique reference for our customers for the overall handling of the waste service.
For the execution of these services, Trevisan S.p.A. has established a network of partners on the national territory, complying with specific needs concerning environmental authorizations, plants and logistics.
Environmental consulting / Training courses
Environmental consulting and legislative update regarding the waste handling.
Our organization allows to plan training campaign with brochures, leafletsm posters and formative and awareness raising meetings, in order to inspire more responsibility towards the environmental topic and to cooperate actively in the selective waste collection.
Possibility of monitoring each flow addressed to recovery and disposal. Our guarantee of transparency is your tool for a constant monitoring.