by floriant
by floriant
The violent earthquake that shook the city of Modena and its outskirts has caused severe wounds to the land, its people and business. A lot of destruction has followed and quite a few places dear to the people are no longer safe and are unfit for use.
The seat of the non-profit organization “ Amo Nove Comuni Modenesi – Area Nord”, operating in support to cancer patients at Santa Maria Biancadi Hospital of Mirandola, is no longer fit for use.
Trevisan SpA got in touch with Dr. Chiara Rubbiani of the Volutary Work Center, and donated a container, furnished with desks and chairs.
The container was delivered on 19 June 2012; it was placed at the nearby Mirandola Hospital, by the Service Center and next to the Veronesi pharmacy container; thanks to it, local assistance to cancer patients from the part of this local Association will be continued; among the Association’s activities are projects such as “Lutto e Cordoglio”(“Beravement and Condolescences”), psychological support for victims and evacuees , complimentary transportation services for patients under radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments or needing blood tests or medical checks, nurse services and the coordination of outpatient and hospital care.
A little help from out part in support to a great project
Many thanks to AMO for what it is doing and it will be able to keep doing for so many people